Neurofeedback is a fascinating therapy that can be used to treat a number or issues. Let’s look into how neurofeedback works.
EEG, or electroencephalogram, is a computer-based therapy that assesses a patient’s brain wave activity and, through the use of sound or visual cues, retrains the brain signals. Through the patient’s interaction with the therapy, they can help to retrain their brain to address a variety of neurological or mental health concerns.
What Sorts of Disorders can it Treat?
This therapy has a wide range of uses and can be utilized on children and adults. Some of the common disorders it is used on are seizures, attention deficit, and even depression. If you are interested and searching for “neurofeedback near me,” ensure that whomever you see for therapy is a licensed and trained professional. Neuro-health clinics and qualified therapists are excellent resources for this type of therapy. Not only can they walk you through the process, but they can determine if it is right for you and if there are any complimentary therapies that may assist your progress further.
The Brain
Neurofeedback is one therapy that demonstrates not only how powerful our brains are, but how we can harness its power to heal ourselves – with a little bit of help. Neurofeedback helps patients understand and see how their brain is working, and then gives them the power during treatment to begin to change that functioning into something more productive. While results vary by condition and by a patient’s ability to adapt, results in the areas of motor function, memory, information retention and mood modification have been significant. If this has you wanting to Google “neurofeedback near me” to find out if this therapy is an option for you, you should definitely begin by speaking with your doctor.
As always, there are many wonderful academic sources of information to be found online – some more reader-friendly than others. If you do begin with online research, be sure you are using trusted information sources, such as approved mental health clinics, hospitals, government websites and
universities. Trusted medical journals are another fantastic resource, but these may be harder to decipher for the average person Googling “neurofeedback near me.”
The Drug-free Choice
Mental health disorders and conditions often come with prescription medications to help us regulate our brains, moods and perception of the world. Sometimes seeking new treatments means trying a different drug or adding yet another one to our existing regimen. Not everyone is thrilled by this, and sometimes it can take people a long time to find a medication that works well for them. The idea of trying a new method can be scary. Neurofeedback is a drug-free, non-invasive treatment option that has benefited many people and can be added to an existing treatment plan, under doctor or therapist supervision.
If you are excited about the possibilities neurofeedback may hold for you and your mental health, speak to your doctor or local mental health care providers. “Neurofeedback near me” is a quick search you can do to learn more and get yourself connected to local therapy providers, today. Contact us to know more information.
This article has been medically reviewed by our staff at Sun Health Medical Center in Deerfield Beach, Florida.