Behavioral health is a broad term that includes aspects of mental health. Mental health has a more stringent definition, but it can impact behavioral health. When it comes to mental health in Boca Raton, it’s important to work with medical professionals who can pinpoint and treat the underlying conditions that lead to poor behavioral and mental health. Today, we will take a closer look at both terms.
What is behavioral health?
Disordered behavioral health can be identified as tangible choices that result in self-harm. The patient engages in addictive behaviors, such as drug use, financial irresponsibly, over/under eating, unsafe sex practices, and cutting, for example. The root causes of disordered behavioral health are many and include (but are not limited to) health conditions (ADHD, autism, Asperger’s) and trauma (unresolved abuse). Behavioral health impacts mental health. Poor mental health can result in poor choices/behaviors.
What is mental health?
Mental illnesses stem from impacts on the patient’s mood and thought processing patterns. The illness often manifests as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, binge eating, anorexia, or addiction. There are about 300 mental health conditions listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
Getting help
Both behavioral and mental health disorders have a negative impact on both the patient and their families and friends. The personal support systems may feel helpless, resentful, angry, or pushed into a role as an enabler. For example, a binge eater may pressure his parents to bring unhealthy food home and create chaos in the house if the food isn’t given. A depressed individual may cancel plans and not leave their room, to the concern and frustration of her friends. While healthy personal support systems are important, it is vital to remember that behavioral and mental health are medical issues that require professional treatment.
Behavioral and mental health treatment in Boca Raton
Sun Health Center is here for those suffering in Boca Raton. We have several outpatient programs that are designed to help you recover your best health and get back to making positive choices. One of our programs centers on neuro therapy.
A proven, effective treatment, neuro therapy teaches the brain how to rewire itself to achieve clearer thought processes and emotional regulation. In the way bones can be trained to reknit after breaking, the brain can be trained to rewire and change (for the better!). Successful neuro therapy patients find relief from depression, insomnia, anxiety, and more. They feel calmer and empowered to make better personal decisions, and to be a better friend, partner, family member, and community citizen. Neuro therapy is gentle enough that it has been recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics as a treatment suitable for children and teens.
Here at Sun Health Center, your wellbeing is our focus. If you suffer from issues with behavioral or mental health in Boca Raton, contact us today.
This article has been medically reviewed by our staff at Sun Health Medical Center in Deerfield Beach, Florida.